Answered By: Colin Magee Last Updated: Jul 31, 2024 Views: 372
When doing research, you'll likely come across different types of information. Today we'll look at some of the characteristics of the different kinds of information that you can access through the library. Today we're going to look for books and articles using the library's ProQuest database.
ProQuest is the library's largest database – used mostly for finding scholarly information, usually published in scholarly journals. But you can use ProQuest to find all kinds of information, including books, videos, and different types of articles from scholarly journals, newspapers, and magazines.
To access ProQuest, you'll first need to go to the MCC Library's website. You can get there through MyPath, or go to the college's website: Go to "Quick Links" at the top, and then "Current Students."
From Current Students, go to "Library."
Now that you're at the library's website, go down to the "Research Databases" tile.
From this page, ProQuest is the first link on there. Be sure to log in with your KCTCS username and password if prompted.
ProQuest is actually a collection of different databases, which is why it says you're searching 6 different ones. One of the databases is an Ebook collection called ProQuest Ebook Central, and one is a streaming video collection called Academic Video Online. If you wanted to search specifically for books or for videos, you can click the tab above the search box for "books" or for "videos & audio." The main database in ProQuest is ProQuest Central, which is a huge database for finding articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals. You're probably better off searching the whole thing, so make sure the tab above the search box is set to "All," and make sure the checkbox below the search box is set to "full text."
Today we're going to search for information on how students are coping with depression and anxiety. We'll start out by searching for information on stress management for students. I'm going to type those four words into the search box and hit search and we'll be taken to our search results.
Searching stress management for students turns up 941 thousand results. Because we're looking at characteristics of different types of information, the first thing we'll do is filter our results by source type. Over on the left side, you can select which type of resource you want to see in your search results. So let's start out with books. Click on "Books" under source type to filter your results to books.
The main thing to remember about books is that they are much longer than an article. So usually an article has a couple of key messages, or ideas, that they're trying to get across. A book usually has many ideas, and goes into depth on most of those ideas. The other thing to remember about books is that the author is usually an expert on what they are writing about, and they have to do a lot of research to write a book. So the information in books is usually more accurate or valid than maybe something out of a short article or a website.
So three things: Depth--books are long. Authority--the author is an expert, and content--usually pretty accurate.
Also, fewer books get published each year than articles. News articles are published every single day, whereas a book takes time to write, so there are fewer of them.
Because of this, it's not always easy to find a book on a specific subject. For example, we might not be able to find a book that's been written about students coping with stress. You can find thousands of articles about students coping with stress, but not very many books about it in our book collection.
So let's take a look at this book right here: Surviving School Stress: Strategies for Well-Being in Today's Complex World, just as an example. You can click on the title.
And then click "Read Online" on the left.
Once the book loads, you can look at the table of contents on the left side, or search within the book. Typing in “test anxiety,” for example, shows you each page in this book where that word shows up.
You can click on the chapters to expand that, and it will take you to that page.
At the top, you can access your MLA citation by clicking on the speech bubble icon.
Copy and paste the citation into your Works Cited page.
Let's go back to our search results and see what else we can find. Let's clear the filter for "books." Click the X for books under your Applied Filters.
Now, let's do a more detailed search to find information specifically about whether or not social media is something that is causing depression in students. You can do a more detailed search by putting quotation marks around words you want to treat as a phrase -- words that go together. So I'm going to type "social media" in quotation marks. You can also combine different phrases together with the word AND. So, I'm going to type "social media" in quotation marks, AND "depression". Now it will search for information about depression, but more specifically, how social media affects depression.
Let's see if we can find a video about social media and depression. Right now the search results are showing all types of information. We'll filter our source type -- this time, to audio and video. Under source type, click "Audio & Video Works."
It looks like there are a couple of interesting documentaries about teen depression. Let's click on this video: “Worried Sick: A journey Into the Anxious Teenage Mind.”
So you can get information from a documentary that sometimes you can't get from an article. This video talks about different causes of depression in teenagers and young adults, including the effects of social media. So sometimes videos will be a good resource for when you're doing research.
To get an idea of what the video is about, you can scroll down to the Abstract, which is a summary of the video.
When you play the video, you can turn captions on, and there is also a transcript either below the video or on the right side of the video. Look for the “cite” icon to access your citation.
Here is the MLA citation for the video.
So to summarize, you can use ProQuest to find books and videos. But mostly, you're going to want to use ProQuest to find articles. So let's take a quick break, and then in the next video we'll look at finding articles.
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