Answered By: Colin Magee
Last Updated: May 12, 2021     Views: 71

Faculty serving on the Library Committee are subject specialists for the disciplines or programs that they teach. With the guidance of the Director of Library Services, faculty will be encouraged to spend time examining the physical and online library collections pertaining to their courses or programs in order to: 

-Help determine whether the library materials pertaining to their courses or program are adequate and appropriate to support those courses or program. 

-Make recommendations for the purchase of new materials.

-Make recommendations for obsolete materials to be removed from the collection. 

In addition, Faculty serving on the Library Committee will communicate with the Director of Library Services concerns and suggestions, and will also communicate library news, issues, etc. with the other members of their division. Programs and subject disciplines will be represented on the Library Committee on a rotational basis, with programs and subjects that have a high number of resources in the overall library collection serving on the committee at least once every six years.

If you are interested in serving on the Library Committee, contact Colin Magee.
Colin Magee
(270) 824-8674



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