Answered By: Colin Magee Last Updated: Jun 20, 2023 Views: 678
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CINAHL with Full Text (accessed through the EBSCOhost platform) is one of the library’s largest collection of Nursing & Allied Health journals, containing thousands of articles. (EBSCOhost is brought to you through the Kentucky Virtual Library.)
CINAHL with Full Text in EBSCOhost specializes in Nursing & Allied Health research. Use it to find:
-Scholarly articles on topics related to Medicine, Nursing, Health professions, Psychology
Use the search box to conduct a basic search. You can click on the checkboxes below the search box where it says “Limit your results” to set a Full Text search (recommended, to eliminate any non-full text articles from your search results), and/or Scholarly (Peer reviewed) Journals. This will search only articles from scholarly journals.
Tips: Use “Or,” “And,” and “Not” to get different results.
Social OR anxiety will get you all results containing “social” or “anxiety.” More results.
Social AND anxiety will get you all results containing “social” and “anxiety.” Fewer results.
Social NOT anxiety will get you all results containing “social” WITHOUT “anxiety.” Even fewer results.
“Social anxiety” in quotation marks will treat your search as a phrase – both words together.
Search results are sorted by relevance. The database will try and find articles that contain your search terms in the articles’ titles. You can further limit your search results by selecting a different facet on the left side:
Publication date:
Choose a range of dates for your search results. For example, you can show results published from the last 12 months, last 5 years, last 10 years, etc.
Source types:
By default, you will see a mixture of scholarly journals, magazines, news articles, etc. You can select which publication type/source type you want in your search results.
Subject and/or Subject Thesaurus Terms:
Each article in the database has been “tagged” with different subject headings. For example, an article about social anxiety disorder might be tagged with “social anxiety,” “anxiety,” “depression,” etc. You can click relevant subjects and that will pull out all the articles from your search results that are tagged with that specific subject heading.
Clicking on an article will open it in either Full-text, or PDF (using Adobe Reader). Over on the right side, you can print the article (printer icon) or email the article to yourself (envelope icon). Click on the icon that looks like a typed piece of paper to access the “Citation Format” window to access your bibliographic citation for the article. You would cite the article using APA if it is for a science or health-related class like nursing, biology, psychology, etc. For English 101 or English 102, you would cite the article using MLA.
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