Answered By: Colin Magee
Last Updated: May 13, 2021     Views: 579

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Open Films On Demand Here

Films On Demand is one of the library’s streaming video databases, consisting of over 35,000 educational films.

WHAT IT DOES:                                                            
Films On Demand specializes in educational films and videos.  Use it to find:
-Educational films and videos



Use the search box to conduct a basic search.  Additionally, you can access a list of different academic subjects by clicking on the menu on the left side of the search box.  You can browse different academic subjects.


Search results are sorted by relevance.  The database will try and find films or clips from films (called ‘segments’) that contain your search terms in the films’ titles.  You can apply additional filters, such as film type (documentary, dramatic production, etc), and date.

Also note that your search results will contain both full-length films, as well as clips from films: ‘segments,’ which can be useful when searching for very specific topics covered briefly in longer films.



Clicking on a film or a segment will open it in the video player.  On the right side, you can quickly access different segments of the film.  Also, most of the time there will be a transcript of the audio that you can download.  Additionally, most of the films will be close captioned as well.  This meets ADA requirements to provide an audio-free experience for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Click on “Cite” below the video player to access your bibliographic citation for the article.  You would cite the article using MLA if it is for English 101 or English 102, and you would cite the article using APA for other classes.



Teachers might be interested in embedding Films on Demand content right into Blackboard like you can do with YouTube.  Unfortunately, there’s no good way to embed Films on Demand content into Blackboard right now.  Instead, simply click “Share” below the video player and then click on the tab “Embed/Link.”  Copy the link, which contains the library’s proxy login url, and paste that into Blackboard.  Students will be able to link out of Blackboard and into the video player in Films on Demand and watch the video there.


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